Ever seen pekapeka in their natural habitat? Join local DOC staff for a chance to see native bats venturing out for their evening meal.
Duration: 2 hours
Minimum Age: 7 years (7-15 years with adult supervision)
Max Participants: 10
Meeting Place: Ohinetonga Reserve Carpark, Ōwhango 3989
Cost: $6.00 (booking fee)
Grade: 2 Easy - walking track for people with low to moderate fitness abilities. The track is mostly well formed but some spots may have steps, be rough and/or muddy.
Transport: Own transport
Participants are asked to bring
Warm clothes
Sturdy shoes
Personal medication
Please note the trip leader reserves the right to refuse anyone who is insufficiently equipped.
This trip may be postponed or cancelled due to weather conditions. A clear night, with low wind and no rain is required for this trip to go ahead. A weather decision will be made by 4.30pm on the day.
Booking fees and canceLLATION
Please note that this trip is non-refundable in the event of cancellation.
Mahi Aroha programme
Project Tongariro is proud to deliver the Mahi Aroha Summer Programme trips at cost to you. However, this price does not account for the extensive hours of planning, preparation, and dedication contributed by our amazing staff and volunteers.
Please consider adding a small donation as part of your booking to support the ongoing delivery of this programme.
Check, Clean, Dry to stop the spread
Getting outdoors is a fantastic way to explore New Zealand, but it's important to clean your boots and gear to prevent the spread of invasive weed species and pests like didymo that threaten our rivers, lakes, and native ecosystems. Always check your gear for seeds, cleaning and drying thoroughly after every use to help protect NZ’s great outdoors.