All Donations Gratefully Received
Our organisation, like so many, welcomes donations which go directly to assisting Project Tongariro undertake many conservation projects in and around Tongariro National Park and the surrounding environs. All contributors can take pride in knowing that their donations have been a vital part in the achievements of Project Tongariro. Donations of any size are gratefully accepted and a tax-deductible receipt can be issued on request. Call us or send us an email if you're considering a gift.
or post it to:
Project Tongariro
(Tongariro Natural History Society Inc.)
PO Box 238, Turangi 3334
Phone: +64 7 386 6499
When making donation you can select which project you would like the money to go to including the following:
Project Tongariro - General
$10 Tree Donation
Mt Pihanga - Lake Rotopounamu Forest Restoration Project
Oruatua Reserve Restoration Project (beside the Tauranga-Taupō River)
Waitetoko & Oruatua Trapping Project
Greening Taupō Day
Greening Taupō
Kids Greening Taupō
Kids Greening Taupō Student Leadership Team
Predator Free Taupō
Waimarino Restoration
Mahi Aroha Summer Programme
Wai-o-taka River Forest Restoration Project
EEC Taupō (Environmental Education Collaborative)
Nature Art Series
What happens to your donation?
Volunteer hours are not enough to complete our projects. Project Tongariro has to raise more than $400,000 each year to fund their activities.
Donations to Project Tongariro go towards:
Bird counts
Historic structure restoration
Habitat restoration
Tree planting
Hut maintenance
Tussock revegetation
Trap setting and monitoring
Educating visitors
Research grants
Other ways to make a donation:
Tongariro Memorial Fund with Geyser Community Foundation
Income earned on the capital will be made available to Project Tongariro every year for investment in one of our four key areas of focus: biodiversity, education, history or recreation. The annual income will enable continued development of projects and programmes in and around Tongariro National Park, World Heritage Area and in the wider Taupo region.
Donations of any size can be made to the Tongariro Memorial Fund at any time on the Geyser Community Foundation's website.
Adopt a Hectare - Restoring Rotopounamu
The Rotopopunamu Restoration Project is leading the way in the Tongariro - Taupo area with its predator-control. The ambitious goal of a predator-free New Zealand in 2050 is gaining credibility with the success of this and other projects in the Central North Island area. You can help by adopting a hectare of this area.