Project Tongariro has awesome support from the wider community. We absolutely could not do this without this support. We have whole whanau of community partners, funders, sponsors and supporters that help to make the good work happen.
We gratefully acknowledge this assiStance which is vital to allow us to continue our annual and ongoing programme of education and conservation work in and around Tongariro National Park.
Project Tongariro takes an active part in education and conservation activities in Tongariro National Park working alongside the Department of Conservation. The society's partnership with the department is unique in NZ extending back more than 30 years.
Close relationships and forward planning allow ongoing involvement in programmes such as the Te Matapuna Wetland where we add value by providing opportunities for volunteer input and financial assistance. We have a proven track record of working in complementary ways and together have achieved positive results for Tongariro National Park. Visit for more information about the department and its work.
This Charitable Trust provides a national and regional database of conservation projects and keeps a list of volunteers and their availability. Check out for more information.
Will you help us?
We are always looking for new partnerships. From expertise to tools to cash, it all helps get more trees in the ground. Contact us about how you and your organisation can help Project Tongariro today -
Our Whānau
Projects made possible by Project Tongariro.
Our Community Partners
Our Community Partners are local organisations that have helped support us or that we work collaboratively with.
Our Supporters
Supporters are other groups or organisations that have supported Project Tongariro over the years.