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Te Porere Redoubt Cultural Visit

Sitting on the flanks of Mt Tongariro, is a history gem waiting to be rediscovered!

Come and explore the Te Porere Redoubt with a local Ngati Hikairo representative. Listen to the korero about the significance of this site, the pre-colonial history, and the last exciting major battle of the New Zealand Landwars, fought in 1869. Bring a picnic lunch and something for the BBQ. This will be an amazing educational and cultural family outing!

Cost: Bring something for the BBQ. Koha.
Trip Length: Approx 2.5 Hours
Minimum Age: None
Maximum Participants: 30
Meeting Place: Te Porere Redoubt Car Park SH47 @9.30am
Transport: Own

Postponement date 20th January if the forecast for poor weather. Other criteria for postponement / canceling include Covid alert level increase.


  • Weather appropriate clothing

  • Water if wanted for drinking

  • Sturdy tramping / walking shoes

  • Personal medication

  • Picnic Blanket

  • Shared Kai/Something for the BBQ

Please note: The Trip Leader reserves the right to refuse anyone who is insufficiently equipped

Te Porere Redoubt pic.jpg