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Ōwhango Alive Predator Trap Building

Help build your own predator trap to help protect the Native fauna & flora in your own backyard.

Come along young and not so young and build a predator trap for you to take home to protect your own backyard from predators.

Duration: 2 hours

Minimum Age: All ages (0-12 years with adult supervision)

Location: The Pavilion, Ōwhango Domain, Ōwhango

Cost: $6.00 (booking fee)

Participants are asked to bring

  • Hammer

Please note this session will be held under cover.

Booking fees and canceLLATION

Please note that this trip is non-refundable in the event of cancellation.

Mahi Aroha programme

Project Tongariro is proud to deliver the Mahi Aroha Summer programme trips at cost to you. However, this price does not account for the extensive hours of planning, preparation, and dedication contributed by our amazing staff and volunteers.

Please consider adding a small donation as part of your booking to support the ongoing delivery of this programme.

bookings are now closed for this trip