Our Partners
Project Tongariro has awesome support from the community.

Enjoy, discover, know and care for Tongariro
The word “mauri” used in this context is defined as the life-force of the forest and all the native species that live within it. It is a term which describes holistic health and encapsulates culture and species alike.
We value the tradition of our story and that of others.
Strong conservation ethics, a spiritual connection to the whenua and caring about our environment.
We value working collaboratively with respect, honesty, integrity and aroha.
The numbers say it all really. The sums below summarise 2018 and demonstrate the activity that Project Tongrairo undertakes annually.
Wow that’s a whole lot of trees planted in 2023-24. These trees are part of the greater vision: and represent the efforts made to restore and create healthy native forests across our region. Making up a total of over 415,000+ trees in total!
Volunteers are at the heart of what we do and it would be impossible to achieve results without them. From trapping to tree planting to bird monitoring, they do it all!
We have traplines across our projects in Oruatua, Waimarino, Motuoapa and Rotopounamu all checked and monitored by volunteers.
Between our two flagship conservation projects Rotopounamu and Te Matapuna Wetland, Project Tongariro now has over 1500 hectares under sustained management.
Project Tongariro facilitates several projects in and around the Tongariro National Park and the wider region including our flagship projects Rotopounamu, Te Matapuna Wetland and Orutua Recreation Reserve Restoration as well as facilitating other community conservation projects like Greening Taupo, Kids Greening Taupo and Predator Free Taupo.
Project Tongariro and Department of Conservation are restoring this part of the South Taupo wetlands by removing pest willow trees and replacing them with native trees.
Rotopounamu is prime example of unspoilt native bush and Project Tognariro and Department of Conservation have undertaken to bring back the bird song through pest control.
The objective is to improve the environment of Taupo and surroundings for people and native wildlife and will involve undertaking restoration planting and pest control to create ecological corridors and increase the number of native birds.
Predator Free Taupo launched in June 2017 alongside Greening Taupo under the Project Tongariro umbrella. Members range from people with single traps in their backyards, to members of large established projects.
Providing all Taupo rangatahi with opportunities to learn about and take action for our native plants and animals. Connecting teachers and students for learning through nature.
Clearing weeds and planting approximately 6000 natives over 2 hectares per year at Tauranga-Taupo. The site is on public conservation land, part of the Oruatua Recreation Reserve, and beside the Tauranga-Taupo River.
There are many opportunities to support Project Tongariro when you find yourself with some time and the inclination. Whether it be checking traplines, preparing land for planting, planting days, weed control any help is hugely appreciated.
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Enjoy the park with tramping or exploring some of its out-of-the-ordinary features while helping with its restoration and maintenance.
Project Tongariro is a society with an enthusiastic and active membership. We always looking for and welcome new members.
Our organisation, like so many, welcomes donations which go directly to assisting Project Tongariro undertake conservation projects.
Project Tongariro is a community organisation and we welcome feedback and contribution from our community so feel free to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!
3 Turangi Town Centre,
Turangi, New Zealand
PO B0x 238 , Turangi, 3353
07 386 6499
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You’ll also find Greening Taupo, Kids Greening Taupo and Predator Free Taupo over on Facebook if you want to connect.